I may have figured it out! The main admin email within Wordpress did not match my wpforo admin email address. I have changed it there. Hopefully this ...
@clientwork Thank you! So the moderation emails are sent outside of wpforo, by Wordpress itself. I see. I do have that option checked though, so I rem...
@sofy Thanks! I checked these settings and all appears to be correct. If I turn on "notify admin of new topic/reply" I get those sent to the admin ema...
Just to follow up, when I go to Forums -> Moderation, I only see the listing of posts that require moderation. I don't see any options there for em...
@zygzak thanks. I donβt see explicit settings for sending email notifications for posts awaiting moderation. Could you provide the path? I do ha...
Update: I disabled my Wordfence plugin, and was able to login. It appears there is some sort of conflict with the two.
Fixed! Luckily, I was able to edit the offending post in mobile view.
@tutrix thank you so much once again for your help. That did it!
@tutrix Thanks! That may be a suitable workaround for now. Appreciate it.
@tutrix thanks. I really only wanted to change that one field, so it doesn't seem to justify the cost at this time. If I think of other fields to add ...