Active Member
Topics: 2 / Replies: 4
RE: Page not found for non-forum page.

Got it thank you Robert you are the best.

7 years ago
RE: Page not found for non-forum page.

Great that works! But now I followed the set-forum-on-home-page option, the wpforo pages are not linking successfully (ex. the recent post or the my ...

7 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1973
RE: Make SEO work for each page

Hi Rob, got it now I am disabling both. Is that better now? And how are you effectively evaluating the SEO on my site? Thank you so much!

7 years ago
RE: Make SEO work for each page

Thank you Rob yes I deleted Yoast and the cache. Please let me know if it works now or I need to take any additional actions.

7 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 2546