Active Member
RE: reCAPTCHA translation
Found the problem, for info it is an issue with litespeed caching js optimisation settings. Thanks.
4 years ago
RE: reCAPTCHA translation
@robert Hi, Yes i know that, i don't understand why i have english language instead of french, my browser is in my language french. Thanks.
4 years ago
RE: Back slash before an apostrohpe everywhere in plugin and emails
@sofy Hi, I have the same problem with back smash in mail : Votre nom d\'utilisateur : Test100 Pour définir votre mot de passe, visitez l\'adres...
4 years ago
RE: Impossible to modify "Articles Récents" in wpforo menu
OH yes of course 🙂 Thank you very much, so simple, i lost that... Thanks again.
4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1532