Ha, OK, did not search this way. Thanks !
I tripled check, and K, M, B are nowhere to be found in phrases. I searched for number, and found it alone. What am I missing ?
I am sorry, but I disagree. The problem is not in the fact that the word "number" is translated, but that the function CALL for the translated word. I...
Sorry, in fact, the phrase is CORRECTLY translated. Thing is, it's translated in a function where it should NOT be. In my book the word for that is "b...
You're right, it's a translation issue. So, what I did finally, was to NOT translate that word in this function, because it should not be. I don't kno...
I found the place where that number is formatted: /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/includes/functions.php:function wpforo_print_numberand modified it by c...
Well, thanks ! I'll investigate what could be the reason.
@chris Ha, I misunderstood the redirect real purpose. Will do, thank you, Bernard
@tutrix Perfect ! Works like a charm. Thank you.
OK, thank you. I'll see if I can find a work around.Bernard