@kezeo im currently making a plugin called automod and its mostly moderation and utility for free and i want to integrate wpforo stuff like topic and ...
ok turns out i need to run my function before the main thing so i can edit request data to be status 1 then its held back for moderation
ok i managed to find some but my new issue is that WPF()->moderation->post_unapprove( $post_id ); is not unapproving the post and returns ...
sounds like you need to change the max_execution_time in your php.ini file to something bigger, like from 300 seconds to lets say 600 to go from 5 min...
@robert Hi thanks for the info but as stated above im trying to spend tons of money for basic features and while i can understand that you guys try to...
@robert thx for the info but its not only that. i want to make a custom plugin because im sick of spending money for small stuff and i dont want to fi...
@chris This reply kinda cancels itself because it is actually a plugin, but i get what you mean. thank you.
Okay so it worked after copying the url of the uploaded file and then editing the post and inserting the url alone (not as link). then it looks like t...
@tutrix "You're a wizard Harry!". Wow it worked like a charm. i tried it in the Customizer with the "Custom/Additional CSS" option but didnt work th...