@robert I tried all the above, still, the users land on the wp-admin area, and not on the forum page after they verify their email. Any more thoug...
@alvina - Would you be able to paste the code here, please?- Also, where exactly on my website they inserted the code? Thanks.
@alvina Hi there Any update on this issue, please? I have already emailed my WP admin login details to your developers at info AT gvectors.com. ...
@alvina Hi, were any changes made on my website/code/css/JS etc.? If so please let me know what exactly was changed. Thanks.
@alvina This is the subject Follow up for developer help (postid/47332/ and postid/47333/) Thanks.
@alvina Hi, I've sent the login details on October 31st (PST), about 3 days ago.I have not heard anything from the developers so far and will apprec...
@alvina I sent login details on October 31st (PST), about 3 days ago.I have not heard anything from the developers so far, and will appreciate if yo...
@alvina Hi, I have removed AdSense and do not see any JS errors now, and I still see the same issue. Please check. Site login details are the same. ...
@alvina I have removed AdSense and I still see the same issue. Please check. Site login details are the same. Thanks.
@alvina I deactivated WordPress Social Login, the purged cache, deleted wpForo all cache; However, I still have the same issue (Rich text editor is ...
@alvina I deactivated WordPress Social Login, the purged cache, deleted wpForo all cache; However, I still have the same issue (Tags field is not ye...
@alvina Any update on this, please? To make Tags a required field:The mentioned code works ONLY when I add a post using /add-topic/ page. However, i...
@robert Will this delete associated replies/posts as well, please? Thanks.
So, it works if I go directly to the Add Topic page with a full URL (e.g. /forums/add-topic/68/). However, if I click the Add Topic button from with...
@alvina That is totally understandable and fair, in fact your customer support is one of the bests 🙂 Thanks and have a good one.