@crisw Hi Chris, sounds good. I think I can just replace the same phrase with itself. Thanks for the idea 🙂
@alvina Hi Alvina, Sorry, I did not explain clearly. Please see this/p> The CSS you gave me (pasted below) moved the Topic Tags to very top of t...
@alvina There is a bug and it is ALLOWING us to post a comment in Category, anyone can do that by add-topic/<category number>. E.g. you can po...
@alvina Great! BTW, instead of moving the Tags field to the top of the form, can I move it to just above the Topic Title? Please see the attachment,...
@alvina That worked like charm! Thank you so much.
@alvina Is it possible for you to provide details of the fix here, and my developer can do that on my server, instead, please? I will actually nee...
@alvina Thank you so much, that is so nice of you 🙂
@alvina That's great! However, until fix, can you please guide me where exactly (in which PHP script) does my developer need to make a tweak so we c...
@alvina Hi Alvina This code hides the overflow tags, so the page UI not get distorted. However, the PHP is still loading 100's of or even 1000's o...