Trusted Member
Topics: 12 / Replies: 23
RE: How to export all Topics and Posts

Thank you. How do i point phpmyadmin to my wpforo info?

6 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 3928
RE: Export Wpforo/WP users

Since I am always asking questions, I wanted to give back a bit and provide what I found. I am using WP Import/Export All plugin. It was inexpensive a...

7 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1775
Replies: 3
Views: 2343
Replies: 1
Views: 1442
RE: Post Editor flickers

This is not an option for me as I do not have knowledge on how to manage word press. I simply manage our forum. I will pass it along to our developer ...

7 years ago
RE: Add fields to registration page

Thanks for the update. We decided to use Theme My Login in the interim. It's working well for our purposes at the moment. Looking forward to your add-...

7 years ago
RE: Post Editor flickers

Curious if you had a chance to debug yet as we are also noticing that the video we have in the sidebar widget doesn't always show in Chrome either. T...

7 years ago
RE: Post Editor flickers

It is site specific as I cannot replicate this on any other site but ours. I just seem to be having a ton of issues in Chrome and curious if it is our...

7 years ago
RE: Search results bleed into sidebar in Chrome

Hello and thank you! Here is a link.

7 years ago
RE: Search results bleed into sidebar in Chrome

Posted by: Anonymous20 Posted by: olivia.hinkle Thanks for the info. The reason our dev has it this way is because of the places on our website you ha...

7 years ago
RE: Search results bleed into sidebar in Chrome

Thanks for the info. The reason our dev has it this way is because of the places on our website you have to go to access the forums. We have a menu it...

7 years ago
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