Noble Member
Topics: 173 / Replies: 933
RE: A bit slow

@robert If I pay that $70, are you saying you will be able to make posting on my site slower? That would be great because it takes at least 8 seconds ...

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

@verek Thanks mate, ill give that a shot

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

@verek That hasnt worked either lol I was thinking, could I use V3 captcha instead of 2 so there isnt a box to click?

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

@verek yes mate.... i should go thorugh them and check ay.

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

@verek I did this but got a warning about the forum not being protected from spam so put it back on again.....

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

@verek Yes mate, it seems cache related. I use LightSpeed cache. When i deactivate it, the captcha loads fine..... I have tried excluding that url f...

3 months ago
RE: Forum loses structure in comments

This happens on my forum too sometimes. And you cant even delete the posts because the code of the page is broken. It usually happens when some one...

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

I still dont have a solution for this problem, is anyone else having the same issue?

3 months ago
RE: There is something wrong with my forum

fixed 🙂 Was an issue with the ip of the site in my host file in system 32

3 months ago
RE: There is something wrong with my forum

@cmw14 Thanks for the info mate, I appreciate it

3 months ago
RE: There is something wrong with my forum

what makes it stranger is I can get on the site on mobile, but not on PC

3 months ago
RE: A bit slow

@danniee I agree, it does take too long for a post to be added to the board once posted.

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

No that didnt work, it still isnt working... I have no idea whats wrong

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

I think i may have fixed it, litespeed cache plug in may have been the issue. I had guests optimisation enabled. It seemed to affect the register form...

3 months ago
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