Active Member
Topics: 3 / Replies: 7
RE: WP-Approve being bypassed?

@robert Thank you for that. I tried using Captcha and after registering and getting a key, I never got a captcha when attempting to register under ano...

4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1268
RE: How to require all new members to be manually approved with email

@martin Thanks installed WP Approve plugin and it worked like a charm. Stopped him cold from logging in. The email address turned out to be invalid bu...

4 years ago
RE: How to require all new members to be manually approved with email

Was no debug under tools but I did find this tool on the Inet and added WP-Ban plug in. Once this AH spams again (should not take long) I will have hi...

4 years ago
RE: How to require all new members to be manually approved with email

@percysgrowroomStupid question. Where is the "debug page"?

4 years ago
RE: How to require all new members to be manually approved with email

@percysgrowroom According to WPFORO, there is no way to ban a member of your forum by IP. So not certain how that works.

4 years ago
RE: How to require all new members to be manually approved with email

@aima-forum How did you get his IP and ban him using that? WPFORO needs to make more powerful email filters to use the * character to ban this AH. Fis...

4 years ago
RE: Best way to mirror FB group and WpFORO

@sofy Thank you got the share working! It's only one way though. Replies on the FB group do not show on the forum. 1/2 way there.

4 years ago