Active Member
Topics: 2 / Replies: 9
RE: How-to noindex a whole directories of pages?

@robert Something is wrong on your forum. Unfortunately, yes. I would like to keep the RSS functionality enabled to not lose a wpForo fe...

5 years ago
RE: How-to noindex a whole directories of pages?

@robert Please, check the following report showing the amount of duplicated content on my website: You can verify the culprit is an issue i...

5 years ago
RE: How-to noindex a whole directories of pages?

@robert . Thanks for this. Without having a specific SEO section, it wasn't easy to spot this. I disabled the indexing of these pages. So, let's con...

5 years ago
RE: How-to noindex a whole directories of pages?

I believe, there is also a poor usage of the CANONICAL URL. In fact, many URIs with query parameters are being stored and shown as different results...

5 years ago
RE: Noindex topic

Does it support now the asterisk?

5 years ago
RE: Code to assign secondary user group to a user

@Alvina @Sofy Is it possible to only show the answer chosen as the best one (if the thread is closed/solved) and hide (also partially) the other ans...

5 years ago
RE: Code to assign secondary user group to a user

Hi @Alvina, ok, thanks. I will wait for next release then. I would like to use the Q&A layout. Is there any option to sort answers by votes or...

5 years ago
RE: Code to assign secondary user group to a user

Hi @sofy, Thanks, but I'm looking for more information as developer. I would like to implement a plugin to assign a secondary user group to a cert...

5 years ago