@robert Thank you Robert. The method works, however, there are a few phrase left which we have no idea where to update. Could you please...
@sofy Thank you sofy. We have updated the XML file, however, the system does not reflect any new upload file. The original "Chinese" f...
@sofy Thank you sofy. We have downloaded the English file. In order to update the content to another language, should we update the te...
Hi Sofy, Could you please guide us through? Cheers, Brian
@sofy Noted with thanks. We would like to keep the site language in English while upload a XML for Chinese. Believe we should use the XM...
Hi, We have converted the .po file to .xml format. However, the system returns a "Can't add new language" error. Attached it the XML file we upload...
Thank you Sofy. It works now. Cheers, Brian