Active Member
RE: İs there a way to use mobile push notifications on wpforo ? Like one signal push notifications?
@alvina Can you at least give some information how to achieve this with 3rd party plugins?
3 years ago
RE: Enable browser push notification
@robert Are you thinking about adding it? Or at least make it possible to combine other services like OneSignal or Wonderpush?
3 years ago
RE: Enable browser push notification
@jasenhudson2 thanks for the tip but they don't interact in any way with wpforo. Cheers
3 years ago
RE: OneSignal push notification plugin integration
@acornavi 3 years later. Did you have any luck with this?
3 years ago
3 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 471
RE: When you have UM activated for usermanagement the user who posts into the forum get a wrong user profile URL when you click the name. It results always in 404
@martin Thanks for your answer. I have deleted all cashes again but no changes. The url that a profile name will trigger is always "website.tld/...
3 years ago
RE: Avada Theme: using the global header layout --> all the header is not being loaded on the forum-subpages.
I am sorry. I have read again through the documentation and I have found this: So I unchecked the checkbox and now it works. Thank you!
3 years ago
3 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1276