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Topics: 1 / Replies: 6
RE: Need help with WpForo and Buddypress

Thanks for the tip to uncheck "Turn WordPress to wpForo". This helped a lot. I wish you a great week Sofy 🙂

6 years ago
RE: Need help with WpForo and Buddypress

Okay, I've done this already. But how I get now the Forum on Full-screen?

6 years ago
RE: Need help with WpForo and Buddypress

Okay, ty. My catch is empty and I reactivate wpforo and buddy press. But I don't get it why I should uncheck " Turn WordPress to wpforo" I want use wp...

6 years ago
RE: Need help with WpForo and Buddypress

If I do that, do I losing my topics and stuff? How Can I safe it?

6 years ago
RE: Need help with WpForo and Buddypress

I think i can use Buddypress, when i press here on (Seiten-Profil). But I got the error 404. 21.png

6 years ago