Active Member
Topics: 3 / Replies: 5
RE: When I register I don´t receive the email confirmation

Hi! I am late to this because I have never been notified by email your response.  I have read all the points, let me feedback each: 1. As far...

6 years ago
RE: the login logout menu button dissapeared

I finally could fix going to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Members admin page and delete all custom URLs as shown, according to the topic a...

6 years ago
RE: the login logout menu button dissapeared

now I made appeard the login button going to forum>settings>members and changing the custom authorization URL and then going to apparience>me...

6 years ago
RE: The register button does not function

I basically think that I found the solution in this thread/p>

6 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1695