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Topics: 3 / Replies: 7
RE: Path issue with sub-domain installation

@dimalifragis Thanks for the reply. Maybe I've set the whole thing up incorrectly! I will check with my hosting company. I look to have got roun...

2 years ago
RE: Path issue with sub-domain installation

Aha! I went into MultiPHP INI Editor for the wpforum subdomain, changed nothing, but clicked "Apply". That has now generated a .htaccess file in /home...

2 years ago
RE: Path issue with sub-domain installation

Getting somewhere with this I think. phpinfo() shows:- Directive Local Value Master Value session.save_path /var/cpanel/php/session...

2 years ago
RE: How do I fully uninstall wpForo

@chris I think I deactivated it first, then uninstalled it. But I can't be 100% sure now I'm afraid. Would it make a difference if I didn't deacti...

2 years ago
RE: How do I fully uninstall wpForo

The directories left on the server are: - wpforo wpforo/assets wpforo/default_attachments wpforo/source wpforo/emoticons wpforo/attachments wp...

2 years ago
RE: How do I fully uninstall wpForo

Hi. This is a list of table names. Thanks TABLE_NAME bO0BnC6_wpforo_boards bO0BnC6_wpforo_forums bO0BnC6_wpforo_topi...

2 years ago
RE: How do I fully uninstall wpForo

Additionally, I can see several directories left on my server in the uploads directory under wpforo and wpforo_2. Should these not be deleted?

2 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1519