If you reset the password or register to the forum, the page after you input the new password shows the screenshot above. Reset the password via the...
Yep, thought for security reasons to delete. Have set again with same details and sent you email.
Shows on other forums: 4444441.jpeg
Tried it, still not working.
Ok. It works on this link: but not this one: Ok will send details now. Can move topic is enabled.
No errors, still not working. On some posts it works, but not this one: On another one it wasn't working, then later started working. N...
However it will let me select the 'Tools' option on this post: How come I can select it here but not on the other post?
I was able to set a one character password on the password sign up. Definitely needs updating. Also, how can I edit the text the that has: Hint: T...
Also when I go to modify the post it work but this error message displays: 2.jpg
Any idea on when the next update with this is due?We ran a test with a number of people on the forum and the first thing pointed out was the home butt...
Ok thanks, understand. I'll look for alternative options.How can I make the word 'Sign In' and 'Register' be bold?I realise it's something (font-weigh...
Great, thanks, I will buy that cross posting plugin and have activated the comment author link and turned on for the tickbox in registration. However ...