@fawp Thanks fawp, yep I've got it. Do I just block the words that would be in the URL? Or is there a way to block the url?
@sofy It's not working (I think). Have added the code and cleared all caches many times. Screenshot_20200526-184427_Chrome.jpg
Has this been solved yet to be able to block certain links or words?
@alvina I'm looking to do something similar.Will the files we customize be overwritten when there is a plugin update in future? 2020-05-21_22-2...
A trending section is needed so it shows the most popular topics being posted on from the past 24hrs. It needs a time frame as otherwise the forum w...
When I clear the wpForo forum cache and go through the forum debug options in 'tools', the forum starts working properly.You still think it's a js pro...
yes, people can't post on my forum and are asking me why, hence I'm here asking the same question. That is an issue with wpForo I would assume, as t...
Thanks, I'm not sure what that means but will look into it.
I run it all and have no idea how to do any of that. I thought this was supposed to be a support forum to have issues fixed. Will wait for wpFo...
ie. 'switch to default theme' Over 30k people visit our site daily which is a news site, am I supposed to screw up the whole site to fix one error?&...
Because I have no idea how to check those things and the plugins I have are needed for the rest of my site. I'm sure they can see what is causing th...
This issue is now back, can you please check to see what is causing it and how to fix? I can't post at all, that error message appears when you go to ...