Thanks, that worked...but it still has a blue border around the button...how can I make it orange as instead?Also to make the word 'Sign In and 'Regis...
...and here: 3.jpeg
Here as well... 2.jpeg
Perfect, that works. Is there a way of changing the 'no file selected' text?It doesn't fit so looks confusing to a user: 4.jpeg
Thanks, that worked. How can I remove this external url option for the avatar? 1.jpeg
Also where can I edit the text that shows here on the password reset screen? 2.jpeg
But shows up here: I realise the difference is one is simplified layout and the other extended. However there shouldn't be these sort of differences i...
Also missing the reply and like buttons? 11.jpeg
However I want it to display universally across the forum like this: Which is how it appears in other parts of the forum. 2.jpeg