PERFECT! Thanks @robert! 3.jpg
hi @robert got this working already, theme support was able to fix it as well the missing font awesome icons. just a follow-up, would it possible ...
Got it, thanks @robert!
@robert already sent them a message. for the meantime, would it be possible to change the color of the notification bell and the number be...
@robert you think the theme developers can do something about this issue? my previous question. any plans to add mentions to the...
@robert will do, thanks so much! again, great set of new additions.
@robert sorry, can you check again. already cleared my caches, also cloudflare. even disabled the 2 caching plugins.
@robert set it to 999999999 and its still the same. also enabled the font-awesome lib to sitewide but no changes. my site:/p> ...
great new additions! especially the on site notifications. 1. mentions are not included, are the plans to add it in future updates? 2. the notific...
Posted by: Robert In the last wpForo version Recent Topics widgets have an option to set the order. You can display recent topics sorted by last reply...
hi @robert. any update on the topics with latest posts widget?