I've tried using $member['userid'] but it breaks the forum... Probably because it's being used within a shortcode, as I mentioned above. And I do need...
Okay, small problem... $member pulls the logged in user, not the post author. 🙁 any idea what php I can use to pull the post author? Thinking maybe i...
I was able to get it to work by implementing the do_shortcode function from the link you sent on the post.php template (using the structure you descri...
Awesome, thanks Robert! Very helpful. I'll try those things.
Here's the link for Badgearoo if that would be helpful at all - Alternatively, maybe it's something I would have to put code in a Badgearoo file rath...
Another angle I'm working on for the time being to be able to go ahead and set my client up with wpForo (since I MUCH prefer the feature set of wpForo...
Thanks, Martin! I totally understand it's not an easy thing to do, just wondered if it could be included in the near future of the roadmap or if it wa...
Awesome, thanks for developing such an awesome tool! Hope to move from bbPress soon ?