@robert how about downloading the wpforo plugin folder from the old site using cpanel and re-uploadinig on the new site 🤔
Would like to be a beta tester too
@chris how do I remove the bottom search bar/widget and social share Screenshot_20220525-115256.png
I wanna change the color of the following container Search Profile Recent post See screenshot 👇 Any css script? Screenshot_2022...
I wanna change the text color of the Recent topics widget, something like this Screenshot_20220524-113250.png
The recent topics widget: I can't see a place to change the text and block color Is there any css script for that Screenshot_20220524-102359...
@chris thanks Step one is still showing white background
@chris I did switch to dark mode and I have 3 Questions How do I change the background color or the comment box How do I change just the me...
@chris I wanna remove the post from forum for some reasons, and will publish it after a while