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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Dark mode

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I wanna make my forum dark mode

Is there any css script or settings?

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Go to Dashboard > Forum > Settings > Styles Tab, select Dark mode for wpForo theme.

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@chris I did switch to dark mode and I have 3 Questions

How do I change the background color or the comment box


How do I change just the menu button color, if I try some other part of my forum will change color


How do I change the reply/quote background color, I can't seams to find it, documentation said is #15 but it didn't work

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Add the below code in your active theme functions.php file for the editor background color.

add_filter('wpforo_editor_settings', function($s){
   $s['tinymce']['content_style'] .= "body{background-color:#ccffcc; color:#000000;}";
   return $s;

Use this CSS for the Choose File button:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-field-wrap .wpf-extra-fields .wpf-default-attachment input[type=file]::file-selector-button {
  border: 2px solid #a29bfe;
  background-color: #a29bfe;
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Sue the below CSS for blockquotes:

blockquote p::before, .wp-block-quote p::before, p::before, .wp-block-quote.has-text-align-right p::before {
display: none;
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-post blockquote, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-revision-body blockquote {
background-color: grey;

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@chris thanks

Step one is still showing white background


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Clean your cache from Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard, Delete All Cache, then press CTRL+F5 twice in the browser.

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The recent topics widget: I can't see a place to change the text and block color

Is there any css script for that

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Which block and text do you mean?

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I wanna change the text color of the Recent topics widget, something like this 

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try this: 

.wpforo-widget-content .wpforo-list-item .wpforo-list-item-right .posttitle a {
    color: white !important;
.wpforo-widget-content .wpforo-list-item .wpforo-list-item-right .postuser{
    color: #c81a1a !important;
.wpforo-widget-content .wpforo-list-item .wpforo-list-item-right .postuser a{
    color: #00a636 !important;
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I wanna change the color of the following container



 Recent post

See screenshot 👇


Any css script?

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@vijiki I think you should invest some time to learn the basics of css. That will give you the freedom you want.