@alvina But I mean Can 2 different websites, share the same Forum? And have it integrated into both websites separately but functioning together, same...
Is there a way to do this with the Recent Topics not Posts though? I just want the Topic Title, Post by and Timestamp to be the time of the MOST RECEN...
What I want is the website to use the Recent Topics Widget like the one in the Screen Shot here... but instead of the Timestamp being for when the To...
I screen shotted both but it would only let me upload one photo... I have the exact same settings set for both though... What I want is the websi...
@robert Screen Shot attached Screen-Shot-2020-07-23-at-9.15.09-PM.png
I attached a screen shot to that last post but here it is again...Also URL to my website... www.YourBestLifeCo.com/Forums