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[Solved] Migrated now missing attachments

4 Posts
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I'm new to this great plugin the problem is after i used the Go2wpForo plugin to migrate from bbpress all went fine the only thing now are missing attachments as you may know bbpress uses GD bbpress Attachemts plugin for making attachments possible. Do you have some advice or idea on how to make them work in wpForo?
Maybe need to use that tool search and replace in database.

Also i faced one problem maybe a glitch when i was editing the blue forum category which was named migrated forums i have unchk Use as Category and added parent to Forums which is the base after saving settings got blank page and after refresh all forums disappear from Dashboard>Forums>Forums but the amount was present i had to do again migration to fix this issue.

4 Answers

Hi iTesla,

the only thing now are missing attachments as you may know bbpress uses GD bbpress Attachemts plugin for making attachments possible.

Go2wpForo tool only support default competents migration: forums, topics, posts, users. I'm sorry but we can't add other 3rd party plugin supports, bbPress has dozens of extensions so it's hard to add those. We'll add it in our to-do, but I can't say an exact ETA for this. As it explained in the tool you can ask for paid support at gVectors Team, just contact them using contact form.

Also i faced one problem maybe a glitch when i was editing the blue forum category which was named migrated forums i have unchk Use as Category and added parent to Forums which is the base after saving settings got blank page and after refresh all forums disappear from Dashboard>Forums>Forums but the amount was present i had to do again migration to fix this issue.

I'm not sure why it happens, but I can recommend three rules you should know to change Forum hierarchy:

1. It's better to set parent-child using drag and drop feature on forum list in dashboard. Then click on [save forum hierarchy] button below. You don't need to edit for this.

2. Example hierarchy:

-- (A) Category

---- (B) Forum

------ (C) subForum

Never set A as a child forum to B or C directly. and Never set B as a child forum to C directly.

3. Forums must have "Blue" Category, if you have one Category you can't it set as a forum or as a child to other forums. You should have at least one "Blue" parent category for other forums. If you delete or make it a simple forum you'll lost all data.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

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I will contact them later.

Not sure but i think there is increase of site speed after i disabled bbpress,buddypress and other related plugins,which is great.
Thanks for great plugin still learning to use it.

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Have more questions related to attachments.
Will it be possible to have more than one attachment per post?
When Advanced Media Uploader will be available,does it will allow to control the amount of attachments?

Need to know this because the GD bbpress Attachments had such and if i migrate with the help of gVectors Team Support they should be attached how they were before as some topics had around 10 attachments of jpg files.

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iO Robert and Martin.

I have send an email to GVectors team regarding GD bbPress Attachments but no reply until today.

At least tell me some database actions so i link old attachments to new Advanced Media Uploader Addon.