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[Closed] Migration bbpress --> wpforo

3 Posts
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I did the migration which went well.
When I want to migrate the attachments with the bba2wpf.php page I only have errors.
In bba2wpf.php I changed line 14 "$wpdb->prefix."mg2wpforo`"' to "$wpdb->prefix."wpforo_mg2wpforo`"' and it works (see image).
However, I do not see the attachments on my wpforo.

Do you have an idea ?

Thank you for the support

1 Answer


The changes you have done are correct, all had to work with your changes. So in this case, I guess the issue with the attachments is related to the source forum(bbpress). The changes that you have done is the only thing that we could do from our side. And this kind of large work is out of our support. I'm sorry, but we cannot help you here.You should contact to professional forum migration services for custom migration, We only recommend gConverter or ProfProjects services for such projects. They have already done hundreds of forums to wpForo migration projects with the best result.


In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

lepalois lepalois Topic starter 02/12/2022 3:22 pm


Thanks  for your feedback.
It's weird because I had migrated with version 1 of the forum and it had worked perfectly.
Knowing that version 2 will be released, I started all over again from the beginning and now it doesn't work.

lepalois lepalois Topic starter 02/12/2022 5:45 pm


Sorry to take your time. I just realized that if you make a quote on a message the attachments are present. But on the initial message they do not appear.