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[Closed] wpForo and Cache Plugins

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Please exclude wpForo Forum page from your cache plugin!

Almost all cache plugins should have an option to exclude pages from caching process. You should exclude your forum home page from your cache plugin. This is very important.

  1. wpForo has built-in cache system. It does a very well cache for your forum so it doesn't need other cache plugins.
  2. All cache plugins can't cache wpForo forum page, because wpForo is not based on WordPress Custom Post Types and those plugins have no idea what they should cache and what not. 
  3. The cache plugins kill all dynamic data of your forum page. These plugins cache the whole forum page and always display the same content. You'll not be able to see new topics and posts information. And all other information on forum page cannot be updated, because of cached/static forum page. You'll always see outdated and wrong information.
  4. Cache plugins even kill Login/Logout status of users. When you login the forum page is not updated, you still see [Login] button in menu instead of [Logout] menu. All buttons for authorized users are missing too.


Cache Plugins - How to exclude your forum page


WP Super Cache plugin

  1. Please navigate in Dashboard to Settings > WP Super Cache
  2. Go to Advanced Tab, scroll down to "Rejected URL Strings" option
  3. Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line in the option textarea:
  4. Save it and delete all caches.


LiteSpeed Cache plugin

  1. Please navigate in Dashboard to LiteSpeed Cache > Cache admin page
  2. Go to Exclude Tab, find the "Do Not Cache URIs" option
  3. Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line in the option textarea:
  4. Save it and delete all caches.


WP Rocket Cache plugin

  1. Please navigate in Dashboard to WP Rocket > Advanced Rules Tab
  2. Scroll down to "Never cache (URLs)" option
  3. Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line with wildcard (.*) in the option textarea:
  4. Save it and delete all caches.


WP Fastest Cache plugin

  1. Please navigate in Dashboard to WP Fastest Cache > Exclude Tab
  2. In the "Exclude Pages" section click the [Add New Rule] button
  3. Select [Start with] option in the drop-down menu and insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per rule in the next field:
  4. If you have more than one forum pages (boards) you should create separate rules for each forum board.
  5. Save rules and delete all caches.


W3 Total Cache plugin

  1. Please navigate in Dashboard to Performance > Page Cache admin page
  2. Go to Advanced Tab, scroll down to Rejected URL Strings option
  3. Scroll to Advanced section and insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line in the "Never cache the following pages" textarea:
  4. Save it and delete all caches.


WP-Optimize Cache plugin

  1. Please navigate in Dashboard to WP-Optimize > Cache admin page
  2. Go to Advanced Settings Tab, find the "URLs to exclude from caching" option
  3. Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line with wildcard [*] in the option textarea:
  4. Save it and delete all caches.


SiteGround Optimizer plugin

  1. Please navigate in Dashboard to SG Optimizer > Caching admin page
  2. Scroll to Exclude URLs from Caching section and click the "pencil" button, enable it, and click the button again
  3. Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) with wildcard [*] in the pop-up filed:
  4. Save it and delete all caches.


Related topics: https://wpforo.com/community/?wpfin=tag&wpfs=cache


In case you want to say thank you !)
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