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[Closed] Anyway to change titles?

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no, not normal. It is wrong. The titles should reflect the topics titles for example. And they are not.

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THANKS mate... opppps

Do you think I should put a new message more clearly calling for the admins look into the matter. Hopefully they would be able to get deeper into the problem, right?

I mean, since they see this posts its being taken care of by yourself - THANKS SO MUCH FOR THAT - they may concentrate in other posts as surely they will be very busy people...

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Well what you should do is to find the cause of it. And since wpForo is NOT suffering from this issue, the cause could be the theme or some other plugin.

For example in THIS topic here, the title is:

<title>Anyway to change titles? – General Discussions – wpForo Support Forum</title>

and that is CORRECT.

Test it with the default WP theme (view the html source of the page to see the <title> tag if it is correct. In each TOPIC it should have the topic title included.

If not a theme issue, then some plugin is doing that.

[ do not open new issue about the same topic. The admins read all that and they will step in if there is need ]

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Understood Dimalifragis

The reason I mentioned that its because I assumed yes or yes that would have been an issue with WPforum and therefore I assumed that probably they could have an "straight away" knowledge of what could be the problem

Litte that I thought that was working ok and that the reason could be another one. Even now after you telling me

See in one hand Im seeing what you are saying and I should assume that there is an outside of WPForum problem BUT saying this, do remember for example that I had in the past a problem with WPForum where this plugin itself was changing all my urls of the forums for not apparent reason and almost everyone thought would have been an external thing problem caused by whatever, but later on, when they looked well inside the problem they end up finding out "the problem which was WPForum related" and once they identified took them no time to sort said problem

Not taking any value off your answer, I incline myself more to think the problem could be caused once again by WPForum itself (having in mind what I just say to you above) as somehow sounds not too far away for the problem (now sorted) that I encountered in the past

At least if they look, Im pretty much sure they should be able to at least say, yes there is a problem with "my version" of WPForum or they should be able to say a resounding NO, it got nothing to do with WPForum in which case I could investigate further into other possible problems

*See, I would so happily investigate into other possible problems causing matters IF I knew what I was doing if this make sense :). So I could be there looking forever and changing things forever only to find out later that was somehow and for some strange reason a "this forum problem with issue on my site" if you know what I mean

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Well this is a free plugin and gvectors provide also free support.

So before pointing a finger to wpForo about an issue, there are simple things we must all try. The default WP theme, plugin conflicts  etc etc. Pretty standard.

And if this was an issue with wpForo, i assure you it would be posted from several people here.

all in all, this is all i can offer.

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