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[Closed] Anyway to change titles?

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Divi support team assured me that its not a problem on their end. Anyhow, after this last question I will try with a different theme but maintime:

Could be that I should take off the title on the page where the shortcode (wp foro) is? (see screanshot of that whole page)

*I dont want to try anything without asking first your opinion as the forum and website is ranking well and Im scared of breaking things up. Its even now showing in 1st top position out of 66 million websites for the equivalent keyword of PIANO WORLD in Spanish... even over & above the Youtube videos - well, it was, as just disappeared once again...

If I check in ANY forum page source code, the "og title" its showing correctly and different in every forum page as it should, and all the rest its also showing correctly in every different page of the forum all enclosed between - wp foro SEO and wp foro SEO end -

BUT OVER AND ABOVE the foro seo, in every forum page, it shows that title "Foro de Piano" that you can see I inserted in the page where the wpforo shortcode is. Could that be the reason?

*Actually, the title over and above the "wp forum seo" shows this way on the forum pages source code:

<title>Foro de Piano - Debates, Tutoriales, Grabaciones - Mundo Piano</title>

and here its the screamshot that I mentioned above: THANKS 🙂

*Post-eddited: you are not going to see almost anything on that picture as it was too large to be able to show you the whole page but after having loaded it shows quite small. Unless you copy it and open it in a photo software, or unless you watch in your mobile and make it bigger. Sorry for all the trouble


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REMOVE (empty) those with the red arrow, in your page with the [ wpforo ] shortcode. Copy the text, in case you need it back.


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Thanks so much Dimalifragis 🙂

I will update you of things as Im finding out...

THANKS really for all your help mate  😀 

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Oppps, Dimalifragis:

See, after I delete these happens as follow (screanshot attached)

- In the "meta title" these words are been leaved there. They are greyed out and cant be removed from there. (should I still remove them from elsewhere? (I guess if have to do with SEO Framework). If you dont know exactly where they are I can always look for them and tell you where they are before removing them

*Before deleting the text, "mundo piano" was the only one greyed out. I suppose because this is the name of the Webiste

*And now after deletion the other word greyed out is "foro the piano" which it refers I believe to the title of this very page itself

- In the "description meta" I delete all that was there no problems but then, automatically SEE the text that just appears also greyed out which cant be removed neither. This text, as its exactly the same as in the "extracto" underneith (also in screanshot), I imagine that will disappeared IF I delete the wording in "extracto" BUT I dont know if this is convenient so Im writting you again to ask

*sorry I cant remember now the exact translation of "extracto" but Im sure for its position you will know what it is

Cheers mate 🙂 

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Dude grey is normal, DOES IT WORK ?

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