Still the same error.
Please check the errors in wpForo > Tools > Debug > Error & Issues tab.
I don't think you understand my question. How can I do it when I am unable to activate it.
You can ignore the first line, but you should the other 3 steps to let us help you:
1. Please check the errors in wpForo > Tools > Debug > Error & Issues tab.
2. Turn on the WordPress debug and try to active wpForo again to generate the error logs. The phrase "Critical Error" says nothing. We need the real error message.
3. Make sure you don't have Go2wpForo plugin and other wpForo addons activated
4. Please leave a list of all active plugins you have. It could be other plugin conflict.
I solved it, the real culprit was WPRocket, which was causing the issue.
1. First, I disabled WP Rocket
2. Then I installed and activated WPForo
3. I setup the full forum.
4. I reactivated WP Rocket once I was done setting up the forum.