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[Closed] [Ideas & Questions] Custom box size and other questions.

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1.I didn't find how to edit size of code. Maybe I'm stupid but. Can u add function for edit that? When I do new post it's normal. but when edit...  or better can u do "Full Editor" like have many forums. Editor with full screen and I can comfortable edit there. 

(Sorry for my low english)

2. Why these spaces here? Can u remove it?

3. Can u make in acceses "Acces to use colors". I don't want that Users can use colors, I want it only for me and some other ranks.

4.Add some new fonts pls

5. This "quote" is very uncomfortable, when I use it, I don't know where it's end and I just put any place and quote breaking... Maybe if u so long using this forum you can understand and work with that, but all novices saying it's uncomfortable 🙁

7.User group near rating on posts(where nick, rating, start, here should be user group")

Ok it's all ideas and questions. Hope you will read that:) Of course Polls and Images is too good but about this other humans already said.

4 Replies
Posts: 12
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Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago

I saw in some forums here you hidded joined date etc. How to do same? 

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Joined: 9 years ago
Posted by: Hello_World

2. Why these spaces here? Can u remove it?

You can press  shift+enter to write in the next line, using only enter make a paragraph

1 Line
2 Lines
3 Lines



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Please read my answers below:

1.I didn't find how to edit size of code. Maybe I'm stupid but. Can u add function for edit that? When I do new post it's normal. but when edit...   or better can u do "Full Editor" like have many forums. Editor with full screen and I can comfortable edit there.

You can use this resizer:

2. Why these spaces here? Can u remove it?

This is the Wordpress editor, we don't develop it. If you're familiar with WordPress editor you should use wpForo post editor w/o any issue. This doesn't come from wpForo. Just navigate to Dashboard > Add New Post and you'll see the same spaces. We don't want to hard-code TinyMCE style and scripts to avoid future conflicts with Wordpress updates. Also this may be caused by your active theme CSS.

3. Can u make in acceses "Acces to use colors". I don't want that Users can use colors, I want it only for me and some other ranks.

I'm sorry but not. wpForo doesn't have access roles for editor button, it'll take lots of time. Currently we have many very important things to do on wpForo.

4.Add some new fonts pls

This already in our to-do list.

5. This "quote" is very uncomfortable, when I use it, I don't know where it's end and I just put any place and quote breaking... Maybe if u so long using this forum you can understand and work with that, but all novices saying it's uncomfortable 🙁

I'm agree, we'll change it to bbCode version. Those will be wrapped with

bbCode in future releases.

7.User group near rating on posts(where nick, rating, start, here should be user group")

This also in our to-do.

I saw in some forums here you hidded joined date etc. How to do same?

It depends on forum layout. All forum layouts has different topic and post list design and style. Please check all layouts. We've not made any changes here.

Posts: 10591
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Joined: 9 years ago

BTW, if the post contains many questions, it may take lots of time before we answer. posts with many questions always have low priority because of our limited time. We try to help as much people as possible. 

Here is the priority:

1. quick questions,

2. single questions,

3. critical problems,

4. bug reports

5. posts with many questions

6. suggestions

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