Aug 17, 2016 12:34 am
I have scan the site with Wordfence and it show me 2 files found that normally does not come with Wordpress instalation need to know if wpForo adds them.
1 Reply
Aug 17, 2016 5:15 am
Hi iTesla,
No, wpForo doesn't add extra files. wpForo comes with /wpforo/ folder in /wp-content/plugins/ directory and with /wpforo/ folder in /wp-content/uploads/ directory.
I'd recommend to check uploads/wpforo/avatars/ folder, make sure there is no files with non-image format. There should only be jpg, jpeg,png,gif files. Other file types should be removed. This folder is the custom avatar folder, all files of this folder are uploaded by forum users. The next wpForo release comes with more secure control over uploaded avatars.