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[Closed] Forum locking

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Hi, it seems wpforo is missing a very important feature that I am sure many webmasters would love to have.


I would like to lock certain forums to restrict access to users who have a certain number of topics. This allows one to create a "newbie" area for new users to prove they want to contribute instead of just leeching off of the forums content. This is especially useful for a media driven forum like mine that has a main purpose of sharing media. So for example you could create a set of forums that new users can view and post in but other forums they cannot even view, until they have 15/20/25 posts or whatever the threshold you set. They must earn entry into the wider forum.

Please please please PLEASE add this in a future update.


or if there is a way to do with the existing wpforo and I am just not seeing it for some reason please enlighten me. It seems odd that such a commonly seen feature in almost all other forum scripts is not included in this otherwise great forum solution.




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Hi @stevenminix,

I've just asked our developers about it and currently, I'm waiting for the response from them. I'll update the topic once I get some response from them.

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@alvina Okay, thanks

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Hi @stevenminix,

wpForo has some useful options to limit just registered users and minimize spam. 

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam > New Registered User section and check the following options:

So for example you could create a set of forums that new users can view and post in but other forums they cannot even view

wpForo forums have permission settings in the Edit Forum screen. Edit the forum and use these settings to control Usergroup accesses and privileges in that forum. Each Usergroup has some Forum Access set in each forum. For example, The Registered Usergroup ( Subscriber User Role) has Standard Forum Access by default in all forums.

For example, if you set the "No Access" forum access for Registered Usergroup in X forum. All users who are in Registered Usergroup will not be able to view that forum and topics in that forum. Because the "No Access" forum access permissions are set this way by default:

  • NO Can view forum
  • NO Can view topic
  • NO Can view replies

You can find all permissions of No Access forum access in Dashboard > Settings > Forum Access > No Access (edit) screen.

More info ac be found in this FAQ topic:

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I appreciate your reply.


The problem is this does not solve my issue.

While the methods described can lock forums for certain usergroups this is not an efficient way to accomplish what I laid out in my initial post.

I want registered members to be denied access until they have a certain amount of topics created. Then after they reach the threshold the rest of the forum would AUTOMATICALLY open up to them.


This must be AUTOMATED, if I attempted to manually do this it would be impossible to track.


All other MAJOR forum scripts, many of which are not available on wordpress or are very expensive offer this kind of feature as it has been common since the birth of internet forums. It is the most common way for certain types of forums to create an incentive for people to get engaged.


I wish with all my heart that this feature will be added.

You ALREADY have the Member Reputation and Titles feature which can be set to reach higher levels with numbers of posts made. 

why not integrate the automated locking feature into this existing system?