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[Solved] Inage sizes for Category images and Space between Categories

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1. What is the best size for images when creating a new category?

2. In showcase I saw a forum by @percysgrowroom and his forum has 5-8px space between each category, with the green background and it separates nice, looks awesome.  Maybe its done with a Page builder? and category link used as short code? (I tried different ways - no luck)

any help for a 76 yrs young guy appreciated.

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Posted by: @talk11

1. What is the best size for images when creating a new category?

2. In showcase I saw a forum by @percysgrowroom and his forum has 5-8px space between each category, with the green background and it separates nice, looks awesome.  Maybe its done with a Page builder? and category link used as short code? (I tried different ways - no luck)

any help for a 76 yrs young guy appreciated.

If you take a screen shot of what you mean I can explain how to do it mate 🙂 I dont use any page builders so whatever it is is just code, I just dont know what you mean lol


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@percysgrowroom  Hi Macky, I responded before, but was not as reply

Hi Macky, here is the screenshot, thanks so much for looking at it.

and Happy New Year to you

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@talk11 Sorry mate, I only just the email saying you replied I must have missed the other one. 

@tutrix is the man when it comes to customising the forum mate. He gave me all the code, definitely check out this forum:

But here is some code that might help do what you need:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-content .wpforo-section ~ .wpforo-section {

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@percysgrowroom thank you for fast response.

I added it in the wordpress CSS, but did not change anything.

Did I need to go in server files with htaccess?  since in WPForo is nowhere a CSS box

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@talk11 No mate, adding it to custom CSS should work.... but the code might be wrong/// tested it on my site and it worked, fine:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-content .wpforo-section ~ .wpforo-section {
margin-top: 30px;

change the 30px to whatever you need and it should work mate. But Tutrix will know what to do 🙂 

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@percysgrowroom thanks, will keep trying and if not, will contact Tutrix - be well, I guess you are down-under, as they say.

My post here gets constant the bad newbie hacks, 

be well

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Hi Macky, here is the screenshot, thanks so much for looking at it.

and Happy New Year to you

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Posted by: @talk11

I guess you are down-under, as they say.

No, uk, I just say mate a lot it seems lol 


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@tutrix Hi Tutrix, Macky hatte dich schon mal eingeschrieben im post.  Hier is nochmal der screenshot, was ich auch machen moechte. 

Macky hatte mir diesen code gegeben, der aber nichts aendert. 

Hier ist meine seite:  Ai-talk und direct ueber jedem Category image a  separation von 30 or?? px, wie er es auf seiner Seite hat. 

I wrote in German, since I believe you are Germany based.  I left 42 years ago. If you can tell how? and where to implement the code. in CSS of theme, or htaccess, or?? would be helpful.

thanks - danke  - gracias


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Posted by: @talk11

If you can tell how? and where to implement the code. in CSS of theme, or htaccess, or?? would be helpful.


All custom css goes to your THEME's Additional CSS space in customizer.


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@dimalifragis thanks,

that's what I did, but did not change the space between categories.

Is there anything missing in this code?

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-content .wpforo-section ~ .wpforo-section {

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Hi @talk11

try this code

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap {background: transparent !important;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-breadcrumb div {background: #fff;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .topic-wrap {background: #fff;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .forum-wrap {background: #fff;margin-bottom: 5px;padding: 0 5px;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .post-wrap {background: #fff;}

add it to custom css
Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Colors & Styles > Custom CSS

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@tutrix Perfect, worked immediately, and looks great

thank you.