new user, i work both joomla and wordpress
please does WPFORO has :
- Rating topic (with RICH SNIPPET)
- Private content : (Once the reply is posted and marked as private, only author, keymaster (administrator) and moderators can read the content. Everyone else reading the topic, will see only a message like the one on the image here.)
- Google Rich Snippets for Breadcrumb
Thank you so much
Hi kezeo,
Thank you for your interest in wpForo. Please find my answers below:
- Rating topic (with RICH SNIPPET)
Thank you, we'll add this in our to-do list.
- Private content : (Once the reply is posted and marked as private, only author, keymaster (administrator) and moderators can read the content. Everyone else reading the topic, will see only a message like the one on the image here.)
wpForo already has a Private Topic feature. It has been added with v1.1.2. If a topic is private, all replies become private, there is no reply specific private/public options:
- Google Rich Snippets for Breadcrumb
Thank you. We'll add this in wpForo SEO to-do list.
i would like to use related item field to display article from blog based on title or tag, is it possible please ?
wpForo doesn't have "related item field". I didn't follow you what exactly you want to use.
This is a custom codding, you should find some developer to do this job for you. At the moment wpForo doesn't have related fields and functions to pick such information
Maybe a good idea for a future addon even it cost 79 or 100 euros 😉
thank you
Thank you for suggestion, we'll take this under consideration.