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[Closed] Next release

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Dear wpForo team, please fix next bugs in next wpForo release. Each time of latest 2 releases I fix it, but I wrote about these bugs more then month ago:

file: ajax.js
$("#wpf-reply-form-title").html('Reply with quote');

change to:
$("#wpf-reply-form-title").html(wpf_ajax_obj.phrases['reply with quote']); ===========
$("#wpf-reply-form-title").html('Edit post');

change to:
$("#wpf-reply-form-title").html(wpf_ajax_obj.phrases['edit post']);

file: functions-template.php

$edit_html = '<div class="wpf-post-edited">' . wpforo_phrase('Edited: ', false) . wpforo_date($post['modified'], 'ago', false) . '</div>';

change to:
$edit_html = '<div class="wpf-post-edited">' . wpforo_phrase('Edited:', false) . wpforo_date($post['modified'], 'ago', false) . '</div>';
(extra space after 'Edited:') ===========
file: functions.php
function wpforo_date
$d = human_time_diff($timestamp) . '&nbsp;';
change to:
$d = human_time_diff($timestamp);
(this extra space not needed, because in output HTML-code it resulted to 2 spaces)

file: wpf-hooks.php line:
if( !is_super_admin() ) show_admin_bar(wpforo_feature('user-admin-bar'));

change to: if( !is_super_admin() && is_user_logged_in() ) show_admin_bar(wpforo_feature('user-admin-bar'));
(to hide admin toolbar for guests)

Thank you!

Also it will be great have a full forum RSS or sitemap.xml for search crawlers. Now Google is not indexing my forum 🙁 (only some topics from forums RSS feeds, which I have added to webmaster tools)

Also steel exists a problem with empty pages, which I described here2. Empty second page.

This problem exists for Q&A layout, as for #1 and #2 layouts I don't know.


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Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

Thank you antonM, we'll check this.