Greetings! I am considering using your plugin for a couple of websites. We'll be building one site soon, and the second site somewhat down the road. The second site would have a different purpose and audience from the first, and so it would use a different selection of addons; but our plans for that site aren't quite clear yet.
In order to purchase economically, would I need to purchase a three-site license now? Or is it possible to purchase a single-site license now, and pay the difference to upgrade to a three-site license later?
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
EDIT: I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this. The contact page says:
On all our product pages you can find [Pre Sale Questions] Tab. Please use that for any questions related to the product you want to purchase.
... but I wasn't able to find such a tab.
Hi @dominion,
Go by this link and create a new topic in wpForo Official Addons Forum if your question is not about a concrete addon:
For Pre Sale` go by the below link, open the needed addon page, select Pre Sale Questions Tab: