First of all, thank you for your great works! I appreciate it.
I would like to suggest adding filter hooks, and the attached zip file is the patch file for filters.
I tested on my side several times and it seems works well.
To sum up,
1) order_by.patch : The filter
define('ORDER_BY', apply_filters( 'order_by', 'modified' ));determines how posts are sorted by 'modified' or 'created'. I changed all parts of 'modified' with ORDER_BY, so it is easy to change the way of sorting.
2) time_format.patch : The filters
apply_filters( 'enable_custom_date', false, $diff ) apply_filters( 'wpforo_custom_date_format', sprintf( wpforo_phrase('%s ago', false, false), $d ), $dt);can change the way of time format in forums.
3) fontawesome_filter.patch: filters with fontawesome icons in topics
4) search_icon.patch: This is not related with filter hook. In this patch, it adds search icon beside page navigation, so it is useful without wpforo menu bar. A lot of forums have search icon beside page-navi, not in top bar or side widget.
5) trivia_style.patch: move inline style to style.css for caching and customizing, and move wpforo_template_pagenavi('wpf-navi-topic-bottom'); for better UI.
Thank you for your supports. I hope you reflect those filters and patch. Thank you again. Have a nice day! 😀
Best regards,