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Off topic [Closed] Spam Attack...

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I see the current spam attack here and cannot help but think... What is the goal/objective of these type of things? It will obviously get removed fairly quick, so why do it at all? Is it some sort of money maker? Just a thing to show off? 


I just shake my head.

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Posted by: @cotner

I see the current spam attack here and cannot help but think... What is the goal/objective of these type of things? It will obviously get removed fairly quick, so why do it at all? Is it some sort of money maker? Just a thing to show off? 


I just shake my head.


Some spammers actually do this for research purposes, to see how many posts are successful Vs how many get taken off.

In some cases they are not targeting a specific website. Depending on the bot, they may not be even targeting WordPress sites, they may have just a wider range of hacking code at their disposal.


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because even if link is in no follow they want a maximul link juice for seo

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Why don't you enable your own tools for spam? All that chinese spam could be moderated if "User is New (under hard spam control) during first [X] posts" was active or something.

Because that c**p spam is useless for SEO but maybe harmful for you. Especially if it is not deleted immediately.

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for our seo agency it is the main problem about plenty of wordpress website even with askimet

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Posted by: @kezeo

for our seo agency it is the main problem about plenty of wordpress website even with askimet

Neither Akismet or google recaptcha are effective. Spammers are way ahead.

But this recent attack from chinese spammers here, CAN'T be manual since the ammount of spam is large. It is some bot doing that.

And bots are easy to fight.


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@dimalifragis lol of course bots. Need more secure auth.

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@chris is not going to be happy....

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Yeah, such spam attacks are annoying.