Okay, really can't keep up with how many forums you have. That one even requires a different registration. I've have though you've have one overall site for wpForo and then within that places for the addons - because presumably they don't add on anywhere else other than to the forum? Also not clear why you would be 'testing' private messages within a specific forum. Aren't they private messages and not forum topics.
Maybe I'm just crazy. Peace.
Here are all our forums:
- wpForo Forum - Is the oficcial free core wpForo plugin support. All you see here is available for free with wpForo plugin. This is also the core wpForo demo forum.
- gVectors Forum -wpForo addons are not free, they are paid product available on gVectors Store. Support provided by gVectors.com website on gVectors Support Forum: https://gvectors.com/forum/official-wpforo-addons/
- wpForo Addons Demo Forum - This is just a testing and demonstrating forum for wpForo addons: http://addons.wpforo.com/community/
Also not clear why you would be 'testing' private messages within a specific forum. Aren't they private messages and not forum topics.
This forum ( http://addons.wpforo.com/community/ ) is not only for Private Messages. This is a demo and testing forum for all addons.
How about single sign-on to all forums. after all, they are on the same domain?
Isn't it simpler?
They are not on the same domain.
- wpforo.com/community/
- gvectors.com/forum/
- addons.wpforo.com/community/