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Script [Closed] What determines "Hot" on the icons?

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Just wondering what makes the "Hot" icon show up?  Also if I am not using the Q and A format, is there a way to not show the solved icon at the bottom?  Thanks..  Looking forward to the stable release and the addons..  This forum system blows all others away..  I have tried them all.  

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Thank you ruralinfo,

Just wondering what makes the "Hot" icon show up? 

Topic becomes "Hot" after 20 replies. 

Also if I am not using the Q and A format, is there a way to not show the solved icon at the bottom?

This doesn't have direct relation to Q&A layout. The "Solved" featured is used for all kind of forums. But there is no option to turn that off yet.

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Posted by: @martin

Topic becomes "Hot" after 20 replies. 

Is there ANY way of changing this? I would love for it to be something like 75 or 100.

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You can use this hook code in Code Snippets plugin as a PHP code or in the functions.php file of your current active WordPress theme. This is a new hook, so it'll work starting from the next 2.0.7 version.

All topics with more than 75 posts will be displayed as hot:

add_filter( 'wpforo_hot_topic_min_posts', function($n){ return 75; });
Posts: 127
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Outstanding @robert

Thank you very much!