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[Solved] What I see as admin and what others see... simplified

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Hi, got many doubts... for instance, in the simplified mode.... I just went to add a live topic, actually a presentation of myself and right from minute one I see few things in there that first, Im not sure if I can see/select JUST myself being the "admin" or if these are things that also any normal registered member could do.

If in fact, these things, enumerated below, can be seen/manipulated by others, can I just remove then somehow?

- to mark the post as "special" (my best way to translate it lol)

- to mark the post as "private" *BTW, when marked private, private TO OR BY WHO?

- to add tags to the post

ALSO, in the box to write the post, I can see that the text size can be selected which I dont think is a good idea if anyone can just select hims as could it break the overall eveness...

Thanks in advance for any answers, solutions, help.... πŸ™‚


ufffff, it get just worse (in a good way lol) after posting... all these many things in there.... its just me as admin that got them all or everyone else have?. Can some of them be removed? I really would prefer something wayyyyy more simple where people will concentrate in debating about the topics instead of figuring out how the foro works

What do they do?, is there a link or something describing which thing is what for etc?

Thanks πŸ™‚

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I'd suggest you attentively read this FAQ:

Also please keep reading wpForo documentation:

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Thanks Sofy πŸ™‚

I suppose there its not such documentation in Spanish, correct?

Its really overwhelming in English πŸ™‚ - not just because of the english as such which as you can see I sort of manage but put together the language factor along with the "technical words - in any language not just in English - plus along with my not so great technical how to do knowledge" and by the time I finish my head its absolutely crazy and not able to digest any more piece of information lol

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I'm sorry, but the documentation is only in English. I also may suggest you find tutorials on YouTube:

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Thanks Sofy

Soon, I will have ALL and every "PRASES" translated into Spanish. (I meant withing the foro) IF in any way can help you to perhaps include this in your forum for "others" I dont have a problem sending you the file (* a trustable, full, and accurate translation (if you tell me which one to sent)

Maybe a way to returning you guys a little back of all help Im getting here

*Im also buying very shortly some adds on to the foro. Is this sold by you guys or 3er parties?


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Soon, I will have ALL and every "PRASES" translated into Spanish. (I meant withing the foro) IF in any way can help you to perhaps include this in your forum for "others" I dont have a problem sending you the file (* a trustable, full, and accurate translation (if you tell me which one to sent)

There are several methods to create a translation, most of which are outlined in theΒ WordPress Codex. In most cases you can contribute to the project onΒ, however, for creating custom translations, we find the easiest method is to use a plugin calledΒ Loco Translate.

*Im also buying very shortly some adds on to the foro. Is this sold by you guys or 3er parties?

All wpForo and wpForo addons are developed by gVectors Team.Β 

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Noooo, are 71 pages of translations... nothing if done a few every day...

"All addson by you guys....."

Do this mean I would be able to get help here on this foro? πŸ™‚

The help in here (yours) is second to none, while when I check the addons "foro" it seems are quite oldated posts.... Not that I have checked many but its the first impression I received. I could be wrong as many tmes LOL

After, IF, if not also πŸ™‚ you answered this.... this issue is another one to be mark as solved. I got so many opened I even confused myself 🤣Β 

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