Sep 13, 2019 12:18 pm
Some of them are already asked by me or others, sorry if i make you tired but i think they will make WPforo much better and friendly for the users and admins.
1) New mark next to each topic in forums first page
2) new mark to lasts posts widget, both to take you when you click to oldest unread posts.
3) when you click reply 2 times to reply to both members , now the second reply overwrite the first
4) Widget for favorite topics
5) Who is online list all profiles under the  Forum Statistics
6) Bulk topics moderation
7)Â to be continued
1 Reply
Sep 14, 2019 11:47 am
Thank you for these suggestions. I've already sent this suggestion list to plugin developers, They'll check it and implement the features (if it's possible) in future updates.