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[Closed] wpForo Suggestions

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Joined: 9 years ago
Posted by: Jim McClain

How about allowing users to register with their facebook account?

Hi Jim,

wpForo uses WordPress login system. It supports almost all Social Login plugins. Just test some of them and find the best one for you. There are dozens of social login plugins so we've not added this function yet.

Posts: 10594
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Joined: 9 years ago
Posted by: Sybar

If I could 'force' players to add their avatars again in wpForo all images would display correctly. Now I would have to ask them all to change from WP Avatars to manually uploaded ones via wpForor profile settings.  

Hi Sybar,

WordPress doesn't have avatars, it uses gravatar system and it works fine with wpForo. I think you're talking about WordPress avatar plugins, these are 3rd party solutions and we've not checked those yet. We're not testing other plugin compatibility yet. It's a huge work, there are tremendous number of plugins.

We'll check some of them once the stable wpForo 1.0.0 is released. Just leave the name of avatar plugin you use.

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I'm not using any custom Avatar plugins. When I allow wpForo to use WordPress avatars they get messed up.

Another user has the same problem

Maybe we could talk about it in the topic from above link 🙂


Posts: 10594
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Joined: 9 years ago

Here you can see WordPress avatars and there is no such problem. This may be a theme conflict, wpForo is a simple plugin, lots of other styles (theme, other plugins) affects wpForo pages. And this is possible. However we'll add more style codes to prevent such conflicts.

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Unless I missed something, user tagging (@user) would be great for replies. Extended user profiles would be cool, unless you're working on a tighter integration with Buddypress.

So far, I'm really liking the product and being able to have an attractive alternative to bbpress.

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