I am using 1.8.4
When I click to edit a post, it takes me to "Leave a reply".
So I am unable to edit posts.
Is this a know/problem/bug? Is there a way to fix this?
Hi @mrlen,
Please make sure your forum page is excluded from cache plugins: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/
And make sure you don't have JS errors in WordPress pages. These errors may come from other plugins or from the theme. I recommend disable all other plugins, delete the cache and test it again. If this is fixed, activate them one by one and test. This way you can find the problem maker plugin.
okies no worries. I'll give those things a try. Thanks Robert.
Well, I can tell you that disabling all the plugins worked. Now I have to turn them all back on, one by one to see which one cause the issue. Thanks π