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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] My site seems to be loading slower since the recent update.

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From ym host:

I checked the server status, and I am afraid that I was able to see that server was rebooted 2 days ago Jul 20. reason CPU usage spikes.

I found that MySQL service is using most of the resources 184% CPUs, and that was the reason for the server restart on Jul 20. the database is showing a high resource usage.

How to monitor resource usage A">

In this case, MySQL will need to be review by your developer to optimize it and reduce the amount of resource it is using.

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If we rule out wpForo plugin, you must find what causes your issues you ALWAYS had. This not a new problem from what i remember, it just became worst for some reason.

So you must find the reason. You have the tools i guess (Cpanel). What Cpanel reports? Usage? Snapshots? What the RAW logs report? Anything repeating for a long time?

The reason in MY case several times was crazy bots/scrapers or some attack. And i was getting warnings about my shared plan "was limited". Cloudlinux does that when you exceed your limits, you are "limited".

Imagine what happens if you have a HUGE forum with thousands of posts and topics and some bot tries to index/steal them in high speed.

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Posted by: @dimalifragis

The reason in MY case several times was crazy bots/scrapers or some attack. And i was getting warnings about my shared plan "was limited". Cloudlinux does that when you exceed your limits, you are "limited".

Maybe this is the cause then mate. I have all the tools i need to diagnose the issues for sure, just dont know enough about it all to do it. I know  some of this stuff, but some of it also gets a bit complicated and i dont know where to start learning more lol 

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Posted by: @dimalifragis

you ALWAYS had. This not a new problem from what i remember, it just became worst for some reason.

i moved to a more powerful server back in march, and have had no issues at all unitll friday last week mate. This is not something i have always had. 

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Posted by: @percysgrowroom
Posted by: @dimalifragis

you ALWAYS had. This not a new problem from what i remember, it just became worst for some reason.

i moved to a more powerful server back in march, and have had no issues at all unitll friday last week mate. This is not something i have always had. 

Ok then. There are some bot fighting/blocking plugins at, you could install one and check how it goes for 1-2 weeks.

If that doesn't help, you could research other things ...

Cloudflare will complicate this even more. Do not do it at this stage. Find some plugin what works LOCALLY.


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@dimalifragis yer i thought the same about clouflare and havent done that yet. Right now im using black hole for bad bots

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For example you could try this:

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@dimalifragis lol as i sent, you sent this 

Any paticular setting i should try?


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Posted by: @percysgrowroom

@dimalifragis lol as i sent, you sent this 

Any paticular setting i should try?


To be honest i do not remember, i was using that a few years back with great success.

Now i use something else with some firewall included.


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Ok, the 1.9.9 is released. Update it, delete all caches and wait. If the problem appears, put this hook code in your functions.php file of the current active WordPress theme:

add_filter('wpforo_use_mysql8', '__return_false');

This hook will switch some MySQL 8/MariaDB 10.3 specific SQLs to standard SQLs. We need to see whether your hosting can perform the SQLs built especially for the new versions of MySQL and MariaDB.

Important: it's not necessary to use this hook if the problem doesn't appear after the update.



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@robert thanks mate ill do that and keep you informed


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@robert page speed has slowly krept up again, but like 4 seconds, its not much but still much slower, but again it fluctuates. Much better than it was though. I think ill try this code?

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I think the problem from wpForo side is almost fixed. I don't think that small period is caused by wpForo code. In any case, you can try the code. If something goes wrong, you can remove it.

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