May 10, 2024 1:15 pm
The "like" function on the forum when using mobile is finnicky. The attached image will help explain. When you like a post it removes one other user's like (at least from the perspective of the one liking the post). You see in the "First like" panel, it should say "You, Rene12, Lee and 3 people reacted" since there were already 5 reactions before I liked it. Then I unlike it and we're back to 5 reactions. Then I relike it and it displays properly. This doesn't happen every time liking a post on mobile, but often, and a few users have brought it up.
Thank you for your help
1 Reply
May 11, 2024 10:33 am
If you have Cache and Optimizer plugins follow this FAQ:
If it doesn't help please delete the red marked /wp-content/uploads/wpforo/cache/item/ folder using a file manager plugin or FTP access. Then delete all caches in wpForo > Overview admin page (scroll down and click the [Delete all caches] button), and test it again.