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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] wpForo User Profile & Notification Widget not showing buttons for non-Admins

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2 Users
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Just installed wpForo and really liking the look. One thing I am noticing is the widget for the User Profile isn't showing the access buttons to things like the User Profile and subscriptions. Well, it is but only for the admin. These are my settings...

Settings pic1.png

This is what an admin sees : pic2.png

This is what a regular member see: pic3.png

As a side note I did try this with and without wpForo Font-Awesome Lib enabled (and caches cleared). It did not work  either way. 

Is this supposed to happen or did I do some faffing around and change a setting?

Thank you!



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Hi @harmony,

Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups admin page, edit the usergroups of regular users and make sure the "Front - Can view profiles" permission is enabled (checked). Save settings, go to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and click the [Delete all caches] button.

If you have other cache plugin, please delete the cache and exclude the forum page from your cache plugin. Here is the instruction: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/


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Posts: 2

@robert That did the trick! Thank you!

I must have clicked it off when I was setting things up. 

Great work and great software!
