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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] 2 feature requests - CAD file attachment and multi-photo embed support

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We have WpForo deployed on a site that is primarily an online store. We use WpForo for many reasons, and we like it a lot. Many of our customers have never used a forum before because they are older, or because they are so young that social media has been their 'forum'. For these reasons, we MUST have a few things be SIMPLE and QUICK. 

Here are those 2 things:

1. Submitting a post with MULTIPLE EMBEDDED PHOTOS. I absolutely know the workaround. You add the photo to the post with the browse feature and then edit the post, add photo 2, edit the post, add photo 3, etc etc etc. This is too time consuming for a 19 year old on their cell phone and far too complicated for a 71 year old who we convinced to use the internet just to get on this forum. Please add a multi-attach feature. Even if you have to charge money for it.

Also, I have been hosting images and embedding using the "[img]" tags for a decade and a half (on other forums), and these tags don't work on WpForo. Posting links with no tags to hosted images doesn't work. Posting them in as HTML code doesn't work either. I don't doubt that the direct link to external hosted images method described by WpForo works, but if I can't figure it out with my experience inside of 10 minutes, not many of my users are going to invest the time to find success with it either.

Before you yell at me that there is a multi-year old post about this same topic with 4 pages of replies, save your keystrokes. I read the whole thing. I am not satisfied with the complacent solution. So I am nagging the software authors with a duplicate request. 

2. Allow us to specify additional file types for attachment in the dashboard. These can be added by WpForo by request, or just be a field we can type into to add anything we like. We want to use the forum to host .BTAX and .BTTX files. These files are not supported. Consider our subscriber base and the above paragraph about multiple images and then read my instructions for how to deal with this. I seriously doubt my users are going to put up with the complex work around (not everyone is computer savvy or willing to invest the time). 



These are my instructions to my users (makes me sad to read them again):


Instructions for successful posting:

1. Start a new thread/topic. Follow #5 above for how to title your post. Write your post and click "Choose File" to embed a screenshot of your file (like a picture of your roll cage, bumper, etc). Post the topic. 

2. Copy your file you are going to share. Change the file extension from .BTAX or .BTTX or whatever other CAD file type you have to .TXT. You can search the internet for more information on how to change file extensions. Anyone can learn to do this.

3. Edit your post. Your original photo you uploaded will be in the body of your post. You can now (while editing) add another attachment. Add the copy of your CAD file with the .TXT file extension. This forum will block CAD files since it doesn't recognize them. Save your edit. Make sure to tell readers what the original/native file extension is!

We will be requesting that wpforo (the authors of this forum software) add multi-attachment and CAD file type support. 



Instructions for successful downloading:

1. Right click on the file you want to use in someone's post. Click "save target as". Save the file to your desktop or wherever else you want. 

2. Change the file extension back to the original file type described in the post. For example, in my post, I attached a .BTAX (Bend Tech Assembly File) as a .TXT. So I will change it back to .BTAX if I download it. You can search the internet for more information on how to change file extensions. Anyone can learn to do this.

3. Open the file (which now has the correct extension) in the correct software. 

4. Understand this sentence: Rogue Fabrication and the author/creator of any content posted here take no responsibility for the accuracy, safety, use, or application of any files, data, or ideas posted here. 


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Hi @roguefab,

Thank you for the detailed request. I think the best solution is checking out the wpForo Advanced Attachments addon. It'll add all necessary features for you. You'll be able to upload and easy manage multiple files, and add new file types in the setting page of that addon. Please find the addon here:

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This should work. $25 is fair! I'll try it right away. Thank you!
