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[Closed] Page Title issue with WPForo widget

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If you try SEOPRESS, read this

and install the FIX.

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I installed SEOPress and also added the FIX in to my functions file. Turned everything on and it still is not showing the page title correctly.

Why does the widget do this? It's frustrating.


EDIT: I switched back to Yoast since SEOPress made no difference.

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Posted by: @dimalifragis

Why not use Yoast or SEOPress? And leave the issue as it is? Enable wpForo SEO.

Destroying your seo of the forums ... is not a good idea, IMHO.

Well... My Portal page is the main landing page for the users of my forum and is by far the most popular page on the site. So having it show up properly for SEO is a pretty big deal.

If this cannot be fixed, I will be forced to turn off WPForo SEO... Because user do not find my site on message board content. They find it on all the other content. So I am willing to sacrifice the seo of the message board to make sure the most popular page on my site is shown properly.

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@cotner Use the Recent Widget and not with the shortcode.

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Posted by: @dimalifragis

@cotner Use the Recent Widget and not with the shortcode.

Ah... So it's the shortcode breaking this and not the widget.



I wonder if I can somehow Jerry-Rig it so just that one page can somehow cancel out what the shortcode is doing?

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@cotner I don't know if that is possible. I just know i use the Recent Widget in my home page and i have not that issue. So using the widget is safe.

An other FAR STRETCHED idea i have is to use the Plugin that Makes all widgets a SHORT CODE and use THAT shorcode. I think you may solve your issue. Try it !!


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@dimalifragis hmmmmm...

The problem is that I am using the shortcode instead of the widget because it gives much more information and was fairly easy to use CSS to configure it the way I want it to look. I just had "shortcode" in my head thinking it acted like a widget. But that particular shortcode acts like a page, hence it is overriding anything that Yoast or SEOPress was trying to do.

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@cotner Use the Wordpress plugin that makes all widgets available as shortcode. And use THAT shortcode, not the one you use now.

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@dimalifragis I do have that type of plugin. The problem is that the recent post or topic widget does not do what I need it to do. It is not meant for a wider area and is missing the exact info I am wanting to use. Which is why I am using the shortcode.

Apparently I like to make things difficult for myself. 🤣 

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@cotner I don't understand.

The plugin is

and others exist.

As for wide area, you can tune the widget via custom css.

Sorry, that is the best i can think.

good luck

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@dimalifragis I appreciate the help! I love to solve problems like this.

I may look in to a WPForo phrase tweak to fix this issue. Maybe even adding some code to get this to work the way I want without messing up the main recent page too much.

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Posted by: @cotner

. So I am willing to sacrifice the seo of the message board to make sure the most popular page on my site is shown properly.

Α bad bad idea, but it is your site.

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@cotner Or even use a RSS feed somehow.

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I ended up doing the following. In the Phrases settings. Changed "Recent Posts" to "Portal".

Then I went in to the "Themes/2022/Recent.php" file and did the following to get it all to work.

    $page_title = wpforo_phrase( 'Recent Posts', false );

    $page_title = "Recent Posts";

  <option value="<?php echo esc_url( wpforo_home_url( wpforo_settings_get_slug( 'recent' ) ) ) ?>" <?php wpfo_check( $view, 'recent', 'selected' ) ?>>
	 <?php wpforo_phrase( 'Recent Posts' ) ?>

   <option value="<?php echo esc_url( wpforo_home_url( wpforo_settings_get_slug( 'recent' ) ) ) ?>" <?php wpfo_check( $view, 'recent', 'selected' ) ?>>
         Recent Posts

Doing this got it to do what I wanted it to do on the PORTAL page and creates a slight work around on the Recent Posts page. I just need to update the code each time there is an update. Which is no big deal for me.

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Posted by: @cotner


I ended up doing the following. In the Phrases settings. Changed "Recent Posts" to "Portal".

Then I went in to the "Themes/2022/Recent.php" file and did the following to get it all to work.

    $page_title = wpforo_phrase( 'Recent Posts', false );

    $page_title = "Recent Posts";

  <option value="<?php echo esc_url( wpforo_home_url( wpforo_settings_get_slug( 'recent' ) ) ) ?>" <?php wpfo_check( $view, 'recent', 'selected' ) ?>>
	 <?php wpforo_phrase( 'Recent Posts' ) ?>

   <option value="<?php echo esc_url( wpforo_home_url( wpforo_settings_get_slug( 'recent' ) ) ) ?>" <?php wpfo_check( $view, 'recent', 'selected' ) ?>>
         Recent Posts

Doing this got it to do what I wanted it to do on the PORTAL page and creates a slight work around on the Recent Posts page. I just need to update the code each time there is an update. Which is no big deal for me.

I ended up scrapping this and reverting the recent.php file back to where it was.

I put the shortcode [wpforo item="recent"] within a block widget and then adding that widget on to the page. Just like @dimalifragis said previously. Then I just needed to make a ton of CSS changes, but after a few hours I did get it to look just the way I wanted it to.

Now the SEOPress settings are coming through on my Portal page with the Recent Post content on it instead of the recent posts shortcode taking over the page meta.


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I like what you did with your forum and I am trying to achieve the same. When just using shortcode for recent posts, it shows way more info than it should, as you mentioned previously. Since you comment about writing custom CSS , is there any other, simpler, faster way to achieve the look that you managed to do on your website?

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